March ’22 – Heritage Project

This session was designed to capture the heritage of Desiline Stewart. When talking to Desiline Stewart she had stated that prior to her opening the organisation Mary Seacole Housing Association, she use to cook for young homeless people and feed them from her home. She stated that she used to make a number of different dishes and one of her specialties was Lamb neck soup. Desinline Stewart stated that this soup was full of vitamins and nutrients that were needed in a young person’s diet.

We saw the importance of capturing the recipe that was used and passing it on to the residents at Mary Seacole Housing Association and decided to do this by creating a fun cooking workshop that they could participate in.

The Heritage project manager spoke to Desiline Stewart, who was very happy to share her recipe and cooking instructions, she shared all of her secret ingredients and also gave us some special tips on how to cook it.

Residents attended the workshop on the day and prepared all work surfaces and equipment, they cut up all vegetables and prepared the meat. Residents all participated in the workshops and learned how to cook Lamb neck soup. Feedback from this session was that they all enjoyed the session and loved the soup, they all stated that they would continue to use this recipe and pass it on to family members to keep the memory of Desiline’s recipe going.

Heritage Cooking Session

Head back over to the main page to look at other months for this project.


This project has been made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Thank you, lottery players and grant funders for taking part in making this project happen.