Mary Seacole Housing Association launched our new Heritage Project this month. We named it the Let’s Not Forget project. In the month of January, we held a launch party to celebrate and inform the staff and residents at Mary Seacole about this new exciting project.
The launch party was very informative as it outlined the history of Mary Seacole herself and the good work that she did and the ethos she used throughout her life. We also briefly outlined information on Mary Seacole Housing Association when it opened and Desiline Stewart the person who originally opened the organisation.
We then went on to outline the Let’s Not Forget project and our aims and objectives for this project. Residents and staff got involved in completing an online evaluation, where they had an opportunity to get involved and write some questions that they wanted to know about the history of Mary Seacole Housing Association and Desiline Stewart MBE. These questions will be used when we do the interviews for the documentary.
The launch for the Let’s Not Forget project was extremely successful and there was loads of interest from residents to use their skill sets and get involved in this project.